The Green Building Certification Exam Preparation course – LEED Green Associate held by VGBA in May has temporarily ended after 4 main lessons, which still has a small discussion after learners practice quizzes/tests by themselves, help students have all the necessary skills to take the USGBC’s LEED GA exam.
At the end of each course, students will receive a certificate of course completion provided by VGBA. The certificate is a testament showing each student’s own efforts as well as one of the beautiful memories that the academy wants for its students after a long process.

VGBA would like to thank the students who have accompanied us during the 4 lessons, learned together, shared their experiences, and helped each other understand more about practical applications in the field of Green Building.
We hope that, after this course, there will be more LEED GA-certified learners in the near future.
We hope that, after this course, there will be more LEED GA-certified learners in the near future.